Where Winnipeg

Who Are We
Where Winnipeg serves travellers’ who have arrived in the market and we can’t wait to welcome them back soon!
WhereWinnipeg has temporarily suspended publication due to external factors including the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The overnight travel market represents more than 1.3 million visitors in a typical year in Winnipeg, compared to the local population of 790,000. Where Winnipeg is the only publisher in the city serving this market segment, and is dedicated to providing up to date information about the city’s best places to enrich every visitors’ stay. Where Winnipeg is found in hotels city-wide, and is placed directly in guest rooms offering valuable up to date information about the city’s best places when visitors need it. The editorial team personally visits hundreds of stores, restaurants and attractions each year to ensure all recommendations in the listings lead to exceptional experiences. Where Winnipeg’s longstanding commitment to quality content makes it the choice resource for out of town visitors and relied on by hoteliers to direct their guests.
Our Audience
Where readers are affluent and ready to spend
More people visit Winnipeg than live here! The overnight travel market represents over 1.3 million visitors in a typical year, compared to the local population of 790,000. Visitors annually spend $46.6 million on recreation and entertainment, $91.8 million on shopping purchases, and $219.7 million on food and beverages.
1.3 Million
Visitors Per Year
Average Visitor expenditure
Average Annual Readership
Where to Find Us
Where Winnipeg has a circulation of 162,000 copies annually, printing an average of 27,000 copies per issue. It is placed in 57 hotels, 6,800 hotel rooms, and is distributed at 14 other locations serving inquiries by out of town visitors.
Beyond the powerful placement of Where Winnipeg in virtually all of Winnipeg’s hotel rooms, this resource can be found at major museums, tourism information centres staffed with guest service people including the information center welcoming arrivals at Winnipeg Airport Authority, provincial info center at the city’s number one tourist site, The Forks, shopping centres and the RBC Convention Centre.
- Hotels, Inns and Motels
- Craft Breweries
- Racetracks and Casinos
- Museums
- Galleries
- Restaurants and Cafés
- Downtown Office Towers
- Post Secondary Campuses
- Major Shopping Centres
- Info and Transportation Hubs
Digital Editions
Where Winnipeg’s Latest Issues
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Let’s Chat
Calgary Office
206, 1201 – 5 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0Y6
Telephone: (403) 299-1888
Email: calgary@where.ca
Editor & Publisher
Laurie Hughes
Editor & Publisher
Email: laurie@bestmarketing.com
Telephone: (204) 943-4439